SHARED Asic Miner

How does the Shared ASIC Miner works?

If you will buy for example 1/10 of an ASIC, you will own 1/10 of it's hashrate, 1/10 of it's revenue a you'll pay 1/10 of Energy & Fees for that ASIC. 
The rest 9/10 will be own by someone else.

Can I reach one whole ASIC in some time?

Yes, you can. For example if you buy 1/10 of an ASIC, than 1/10 and than 8/10, you will own 10/10 of an ASIC, that means you own one whole ASIC and you even have an option to take that ASIC from hosting and have it deliverd to you. 

If i purchase 1/10 of an ASIC Miner, can I sell it to someone if I want to?

Yes, you can. We are also preparing a function on our site specially for this.